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This is the draft specification for the High Level Build (HLB) programming language.

HLB is a functional language to describe a build and its dependencies. It is strongly typed, and implicitly constructs a build graph that is evaluated efficiently and concurrently. Programs are defined in a .hlb file, and may consume build graphs produced by other systems (Dockerfiles, Buildpacks, etc).

The grammar is compact and regular, allowing for SDKs to be implemented for common programming languages to emit HLB.


The syntax is specified using Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF).

Source code representation


newline      = /* the Unicode code point U+000A */ .
unicode_char = /* an arbitrary Unicode code point except newline */ .
Letters and digits
decimal_digit = "0"  "9" .
octal_digit   = "0"  "7" .

Lexical elements

String literals

string_lit               = quoted_string_lit | double_quoted_string_lit
quoted_string_lit        = `'` { unicode_char } `'`
double_quoted_string_lit = `"` { unicode_char } `"`

Octal literals

octal_lit    = octal_digits .
octal_digits = octal_digit { octal_digit } .

Integer literals

int_lit        = "0" | ( "1"  "9" ) [ decimal_digits ] .
decimal_digits = decimal_digit { decimal_digit } .

Bool literals

bool_lit   = "true" | "false" .


Function types

ReturnType   = Type .
Parameters = "(" [ ParameterList [ "," ] ] ")" .
ParameterList = ParameterDecl { "," ParameterDecl } .
ParameterDecl = [ Variadic ] Type ParameterName .
ParameterName = identifier .
Variadic      = "variadic" .


Declaration = FunctionDecl .

Function declarations

FunctionDecl = ReturnType ( ) FunctionName Parameters [ FunctionBody ] .
FunctionName = identifier .
FunctionBody = Block .

Alias declarations

AliasDecl = "as" FunctionName .


ExprList = Expr { Expr } .
Expr     = identifier | BasicLit | FuncLit .


BasicLit = string_lit | octal_lit | int_lit | bool_lit .
FuncLit = ReturnType Block .


Block         = "{" StatementList "}" .
StatementList = { Statement ";" } .
Statement     = CallStatement

Call statements

CallStatement = FunctionName [ ExprList ] [ WithOption ] [ AliasDecl ] .
WithOption    = "with" Option
Option        = identifier | FuncLit .