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What is HLB?

hlb is a high-level build language for BuildKit.

Describe your build in containerized units of work, and BuildKit will build your target as efficiently as possible.

Key features

  • Efficient, expressive, and repeatable builds
  • Share build caches
  • Extendable frontends to run Dockerfiles, or your publish your own

Getting started

On the left side is a table of contents, organized into sections that can be expanded to show topics they cover. Both the sections and topics are ordered from basic to advanced concepts.

The guides are intended to contain practical explanations of how to write hlb builds, focusing on the most widely used features of hlb. For comprehensive documentation of every available instruction and option, see the Reference and Specification.

The guides begin with a quick start to ensure your environment is working correctly, followed by a tutorial on how to write your first hlb program.